Les commentaires
Voici quelques uns des commentaires que les gens nous ont laissés après que l'on soit devenu des 46er. La pluparts sont en anglais car ces commentaires ont été laissés soit sur les forums, que je visite régulièrement, et d'autres qui proviennent de courriels que j'ai reçus. Yvon
WOW !!!
Félicitations à vous deux !!!, Je lis votre récit et j'ai des frissons...
J'ai hâte d'être rendue là !!!


Félicitations à vous deux. Quelle belle réussite, vous êtes deux exemples de volonté et de ténacité. Je suis toujours très fier de parler de vos exploits aux membres de mon équipes, vous êtes inspirants et c'a fait augmenter la motivation. J'ai hâte de connaître votre prochain défi!!! 
Salut et à bientôt!

Jacques et Lucie

Félicitations à vous deux! Votre site est d'une qualité exceptionnelle. Je le consulte régulièrement et je le trouve inspirant, motivant et regorgant d'informations très pertinentes et bien regroupés. J'espère bien être 46er un jour également !


Court message pour souhaiter toutes mes féliciations à Yvon et Annie qui sont désormais des 46ers!!! C'est l'accomplissement d'une longue aventure dans les adirondak qui, j'imagine, va continuer encore longtemps!! C'est avec grand plaisir que nous avons suivie cette aventure et le site a Yvon est une source d'informations incroyable pour nos randos!
Un jour on fera aussi partie de votre club! Nous en sommes à 19/46!


Félicitation Yvon et Annie ! Je suis bien content pour vous que vous ayez fait les 46. Pour ma part, je voulais les faire, mais la venue d'un petit garçon à changé mes plans. Les petites sorties en famille dans les endroits plus accessibles font maintenant partie de ma réalité. Ceci dit, il grandit vite et j'aurai peut-être l'occasion de faire les 46 avec lui un jour... :) 

Mathieu, Adminstrateur de ClubRando.com

Allo Yvon et Annie, 
Je voulais tout simplement vous féliciter pour l'atteinte de votre objectif des 46ers.
J'ai bien hâte de lire votre récit de randonnée et de voir les photos de célébrations au sommet de Dix! 
Félicitations encore! :) 


Bonjour à vous deux,
Comme je suis fière de vous deux, je ne trouve pas de mots pour vous expliquer! J'ai suivis votre cheminement depuis presque le tout début (depuis la création de votre site internet), et vous voilà maintenant des 46ers accomplis!!! WOW! Comment vous êtes vous sentis lorsque vous avez touché le sommet de Dix? avez-vous pleuré? (en-t-k, moi c'est sur que je l'aurais fait!!). Je suis vraiment toujours heureuse de voir des gens aussi passionnés qui pousse leurs limites pour atteindre les buts qu'ils se sont fixé.
J'aurais bien aimé vous accompagner là-haut pour votre tout dernier sommets, mais je n'ai pas pu me libérer, mais sachez que je vous y ai accompagné dans mes pensées.
Encore une fois, félicitation pour cette belle réussite, moi aussi j'aurai un jours l'occasion de terminer cette fameuse liste!!!
Bonne journée!

Karine Deschamps

Salut à vous deux.
Je viens de lire le récit. Je suis bien content pour vous. J'ai hâte de faire Dix. C'est ma prochaine randonnée. Je vais faire le Dix Range par Elk Lake. Après cette randonnée, je vais être rendu à 31.
Félicitations et j'ai hâte de voir vos photos !


Félicitations à vous deux pour vos 46!

Dany, de la part du Keds Team.

Bravo! à vous deux,
Félicitations! pour la réalisation de votre beau projet. 
La vie sans défis, sans dépassement peut-être moins intéressante, mais vous savez trèes bien vous accomplir dans vos passions.
Avec admiration et affections

André et Micheline

Congrats to Annie and you on becoming 46ers. Very nice job! You showed great determination. Enjoy your accomplishment!


Congrats Yvon and Annie. Dix is a terrific mountain to finish on.

Jim C

Congratulations Yvon and Annie! I don't know when Fran and I will finish (we have only 12 now), but we already dream about what that will feel like. It must have been a very emotional day for you. I look forward to seeing your photos.


I kept looking for the two of you, kept asking people as we were coming down from Dix, sorry I missed you. Great accomplishment and welcome to the club


Many Congratulations!!!! 
Wow!!! What a terrific accomplishment!!   Many congratulations!!! As I have said beore, you two must keep hiking, or we will miss your TR's too much! I really love the way you have described your adventures!


Congratulations Annie and Yvon!! It is so nice that you were willing to share with us that you had a difficult time sleeping because of the excitement. Climbing mountains, reaching for and achieving goals, does make even adults feel free like children again!!
And thank you so much for stopping at Random Scoots to visit and share your stories of the day. It was a memorable evening for all.

Tom / Randomscooter

Congratulation Yvon and Annie - we have enjoyed reading your reports as you got closer to your final summit..Dix is great to finish on!

Adirondak Ladies

Yvon, It has been great reading about your discoveries and exploration of your first round! Your sharing of emotions and thoughts during your trips along with the great enthusiasm you show with each adventure is inspiring and refreshing. Alain, would be proud.

Cory D

Congratulation Annie and Yvon. 
I like others have enjoyed your trip reports and wonderful photographs. Becoming a 46r is a wonderful journey, sharing that passion with your beloved is truly special. 
Well done


CONGRATS Yvon and Annie !!!!  Sorry to have missed meeting you
Thanks for all the great TR's


Yvon...congratulations!! Finishing the 46 means that the journey is just beginning....Enjoy....

Pat Connors 

Yvon, congratulations to you and Annie on your finish! Dix is a great peak to finish on.
So...what's next??


I'm so happy for both of you. As someone said before, how wonderful that you've been able to share this journey together from start to finish!


We've been following your 46er quest with great interest. Congratulations on finishing and becoming 46ers!!!! Look forward to seeing what your next quest will be.

Stephanie 30/46 

Congratulation Yvon and Annie. 
Sounds like (with a little unexpected bushwhacking) you got a little taste of everything on your final peak - seems appropriate  I've enjoyed reading your reports as you got closer to your final summit..Dix sounds like a great one to finish on!


Congrats to Annie and you on becoming 46ers. Very nice job! You showed great determination. Enjoy your accomplishment!
Sorry we couldn't be there to celebrate with you.


I just got out of the woods a few minutes ago (due to Mastergrasshopper's bad influence) and what do I learn but you guys had a great day on Dix. Bushwhacking and slide climbing included from what I hear.
Your "version" of doing the 46 is the best I know of so far. Too bad that MG kept me in the Sewards for so long. I would have like to have toasted you. (Mais pas vous toasté!)
Félicitations sur votre périple!


Félicitations Mes Amies!! 
Well done Yvon and Annie! I'm sorry I couldn't make it for your final peak, but sounds like you had a great day anyway!
It was neat to bump into you on Couchy last year. I'm sure we'll see you at a few more beer nights too. We have to celebrate becoming 46er's in 2008.... I'm sure some others will be joining us too.
Nice trip report.


WAY TO GO GUYS! What a perfect day!


Congratulations Annie and Yvon on becoming 46ers!
It's been great reading your reports as you worked through these mountains.
Congratulations to you and Annie. Well Done !


Congratulations and thanks for sharing all of your trips and pictures with the group.


Yvon and Annie,
Congratulations on completing your quest of the Adirondack 46! I'm sure you both are so happy. I enjoyed meeting you on the Lake Road last winter and then again last month on Seymour. Keep coming back to the mountains--you will see so much more the second time around!


Congratulations again!! Thanks for the great pictures...wonderful scenery and beautiful smiles. You must keep hiking...the mountains need your wonderful spirit, and we need your great TR's!

Congrats to both of you. I wish you continued enjoyment in the hills and forests. 


I am very happy for the both of you. 
It's a wonderfull thing to do together. 
What's next? You can't stop posting trip reports.


Salut Yvon et Annie,
I am very pleased that I was with you on that memorable day on Dix.
It was a pleasure to accompany you guys.
We had a good day hiking and a good camp fire at Random scoot cabin.
I hope we will hike together again. :-)


Congratulations on a heroic feat.


Congrats Annie and Yvon! Your persistance paid dividends in the beautiful day you had to finish. 
As always, great photo's and TR.


CONGRATULATIONS Yvon and Annie. Have very much enjoyed reading your reports all along the way. Look forward to reading more as you work on round two!


Congratulations! Great place to finish, especially on a day when there are views to be had. Now that the big quest is finished I hope you have time to enjoy the many other wonderful smaller peaks and vistas that are beckoning.

Greg Karl 

We were a the top Dix and hoped to congratulate you on arrival but we had to leave before you finished your ascent. Must have still been stuck on the slide! It was a great day to be out and great views - I'm sure it was a memorable day for both of you.


Congratulations to both of you 
I have been following your reports and checking out your web site for a some time now and have found both to be very inspiring. I hope that you continue with your Adirondack adventures and let us know how they go.


Congratulations, Yvon and Annie,
Beautiful photos on a wonderful day. We saw all the cars parked at the Rt 73 trailhead as we were driving back home that afternoon; it's so great to have good friends to hike with you for your 46th.


Yvon and Annie,
Congratulations on a great accomplishment. Have only been around the forum for a short time but it's quite obvious you are both very nice people and many others are happy to see you finish. Hope to still read upcoming trail reports of yours and maybe even cross paths one day!


Congratulations Annie and Yvon on becoming the newest 46Rs. Emotions range widely upon achieving a goal such as this. I recall when I reached Skylight those many years ago feeling full of life. Then in seconds, depression, "what now?" Yes you run the gamut as you stand there drinking it in. As time passes the joy you felt remains and the accomplishment is one you cherish. I had this plan to climb something here on the day you finished, however, the day before was our 45th anniversary. Imagine anyone putting up with this old peak bagger for that long? She is a saint that's for sure. Again congrats and we will drink a toast you from the summit of Mt Townsend, 6280' in the Olympics Wed or Thursday this week.


That's quite an accomplishment!! I've been following your posts and website for a while and they've both been enjoyable and informative. I hope you keep exploring the Adirondacks and perhaps I'll run into you someday! I'm hoping to finish my 46th (also on Skylight, AntlerPerak - good choice!) sometime late next summer. Congrats again!


Congrats to you both.....we met at the winter gathering.....doesn't it feel great. 
The views from Dix are wonderful.


A heart congratulations Yvon. Good choice and sounds like a fun hike with a little of everything... 


Awesome!!! Huge congratulations to you both!


Congrats Yvon and Annie! Loved reading your reports! Two more for the 2008 list. Whippee!!


Congrats, Yvon and Annie, on your accomplishment. I've enjoyed reading your trips reports and look forward to hearing about your future adventures.


Way to go Yvon and Annie! Your trip reports are always great and provide a lot of enthusiasm. 
I hope to share in your excitement soon.

five head

Yvon, thanks to the blood on Annie's knees and to the mud on your legs Dix will count for sure. Probably the best day of the summer of 2008, what a reward for a finish on Dix.

Christine / BlackSpruce

Merci à vous tous du fond de notre coeur pour ces beaux commentaires.
Thank you to all of you from the bottom of our heart for these nice comments.

Annie et Yvon 

Photos, conception et montage graphique réalisé par:Yvon Daigle© Les randonnées de Annie et Yvon
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